Nebraska fence and gate installation company

Monday Meetings5/13/2024

Matt shares a story about a friend praising Empire's culture but questioning the absence of conflicts. Matt explains that occasional disagreements stem from care and love for each other and the company's success. He stresses the importance of holding each other accountable and uplifting one another. The meeting proceeds with recognition of team members through Kudos and celebrating the birthdays of Derek Bauer, Scott Kleinbeck, and Zach Tabor, along with Tyler Scholl's one-year anniversary with Empire. Shawn Owsley introduces the word of the week, "Integrity," followed by Jayme Pavel's reflection on integrity and the question, "Who are you when no one is watching you?" New team members Tara Tenopir, Leo Venteicher, Owen Holsten, and Derek Walker are introduced. The meeting concludes with presentations from Tommy and special guest Rob Luckey from Fall Tech, focusing on the proper usage, inspection, and wearing of harnesses while on job sites.

Monday Meetings5/06/2024

Matt begins by acknowledging team members for their achievements. Tommy Glantz follows with a safety discussion about emergency action plans at job sites, highlighting their importance. Matt then reinforces the significance of having such plans in place. Shawn Owsley introduces the word of the week, "Honorable." Additionally, the team welcomes new members Garret Appleget and Charles Roberts while celebrating Brady Blair's birthday and Jayme Pavel's 12-year anniversary with the team.

Monday Meetings4/15/2024

"The meeting starts with Matt providing updates on the Waverly Softball Complex Fundraiser event aimed at raising funds for essential upgrades like a new scoreboard, press box, and wall padding. Following this, Tommy addresses the team with a safety topic, emphasizing the protocol for handling injuries or accidents on the job site, stressing the importance of promptly informing him in such situations.

Later, Shawn introduces the "word of the week," highlighting the significance of offering encouragement and support to one another, especially during tough times. He emphasizes the team's role in uplifting each other.

Lastly, the team celebrates the birthdays of Chris G and work anniversaries of Sarah H and Ron D, showcasing a culture of appreciation and camaraderie within the company."

Monday Meetings4/1/2024

The meeting begins with Matt emphasizing personal responsibility, stating that both the good and bad in life are ultimately "your fault," emphasizing the importance of taking action to shape one's own destiny. Following Matt, Tommy addresses the topic of suspension trauma, highlighting the importance of safety when using a harness. Matt then shares his personal story, encouraging others to identify what motivates them and channel their passion towards positively. We also celebrated the following anniversaries and birthdays within the company, including Matt W's 15-year anniversary, Chris G's 3-year anniversary, and the birthdays of Sean C, Kalyn K, and Patrick W.

Monday Meetings3/25/2024

" Matt sets the tone with an empowering message about controlling our destinies and surrounding ourselves with driven individuals. Tommy follows up with a crucial safety topic: the correct usage of safety harnesses. He emphasizes the importance of snugly securing leg straps and positioning the chest strap at the ideal level for optimal safety.

Chris from Lutz provides essential updates on employee 401Ks. He urges everyone to take proactive steps by creating or updating their accounts and encourages scheduling one-on-one meetings with Lutz to address any questions or concerns (reach out to Melanie Warner to schedule meeting with Lutz).

Plus, we celebrate Josh D and Hayden P's birthdays!

Company Gear

Show off your Empire pride with our exclusive range of merchandise! Our collection includes hats, shirts, hoodies, jackets, and more designed specifically for our team members to wear with pride both on and off the job.

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